Day 10 Les Havres de Normandie

 Saturday night on a campsite anywhere in Europe can always be a bit tricky and despite or maybe because of the remote location, le Rozel was no exception. A large contingent of young men arrived close by and got to work preparing a barbecue, provisioned by a white van laden with crates of beverages. They had a lot of fun and actually turned out to be accomplished singers. My fears of a drunken brawl gradually subsided as they sang me through my dreams. I was woken repeatedly by the wind however which blew like a gale in the small hours of the morning.

Vincent, my new friend arrived at 9 with his camera, having read my blog, and convenienced me with some photos which I can share with you.

We took to the road together and he showed me around some of the beautiful coastal villages of the area, sharing some observations and aspirations. Here's my first video post taken by Vincent while we were cycling along

Before leaving me on the D650, a superb cycling route southwards, he asked me to post this picture of us together and the following message to readers of the blog:

My message if you like on your website.

I decided to join Paul when I understand his action. His method to prépare his équipments is organised. It's why I am sure Paul will go to the Algérie.

I was a pèlerin on the Compostelle Road from Le Puy en Velay in August : Just 7 days to understand the benefits of this expérience. 

When you are on the road, you are never alone. There is always a person to speak. Today A german wanted to speak about the trip and the bicycle. We were 3 😁to speak in french : england, german from Munich, and me of Normandy.

Have a Nice trip.

If a english People wants to visit Normandy. Call me.


My route continued for 55km South to the small town of Gouville Sur Mer where I had arranged to meet my next hosts Anne and her husband Ronan. It was a really beautiful cycling experience, a good cycle lane most of the way, perfectly smooth road surface and generally nice and flat with no hills. And plenty of sea views and sunshine. Although there was a slight headwind it didn't seem to affect my progress and I was delighted to reach my goal ahead of schedule.

Anne is a librarian in the town and Ronan an energy conservation consultant. They have a beautiful cottage with a large garden with chickens and pussycats. The neighbour kept goats which poked their heads through the fence looking for some attention. My accommodation was in a large caravan at the end of the garden. 

After a delicious supper I fell immediately to sleep in my new bed and now here I am in the early morning telling you all about it. Next job is to find a new warm showers contact, get some breakfast and set out southwards on the road to Avranches.

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