30 September The Road to Lumbier

After three nights and two days waiting for it to stop raining I set out from Eugi on the road for Pamplona. About ten minutes into the journey there was a heavy shower and it felt like Eugi was giving me a proper telling off. Who was I to think I could get away without getting wet! The name of the Hostal I had been staying at was Itxeberri which is a Basque name meaning new birth. It was very difficult to tell who worked in the Hostal and who the customers were, people came in and out all day long. They were all extremely friendly and very generous with their food and drink. But I was having a hard time understanding everybody cos they all speak at the speed of sound! I'm trying to catch up on my Spanish with Duolingo, but it is incredibly slow and good for describing suitcases and trains, but doesn't really translate the kind of things I like to talk about. Cycling on the Spanish highway was pretty good. Lots of room, hard shoulder, good surface and all the drivers, especi...