Phone Info
I'm trying to avoid taking a lot of tech equipment, and hoping to depend entirely on my Fairphone 3 and Google account for connection to the worldwideweb, all photography and videos for the blog. So the quality will be unedited and probably pretty basic. I'll try to make up for it with my notorious eloquence, sartorial wit and humour.
So my contact phone number remains the same, and I should be able to pick up emails and text messages as usual. But text messages will cost money to send and receive, so if you want to get in touch with me it's best to use an internet based messaging serice like Whatsapp, Telegram or Messenger. I've got accounts with all three.
The Fairphone is a great piece of kit because apart from being ethically and sustainably sourced in it's manufacture, it's also very serviceable. All the internal modules can allegedly be replaced by the end user (that's me), so in theory I'll never have to throw it away (like Trigger's broom). I can imagine eyeballs being raised to the ceiling in acknowledgement of my celebrated wartime mentality and inability to throw away anything that "might come in useful one day".
According to the infamous law of sod, the USB charging port on my Fairphone has just failed, so I've sent away for a new module which will hopefully arrive before I leave home on 26th August. I'm really glad that it happened here and not while I was out on the road. But Fairphone are a Dutch company and offer fairly comprehensive online support, so I'm hoping that I won't have too much trouble getting anything I need while I'm away.