Granada to Motril

Th ese patterns in the pavement were on the doorstep of the hostel I stayed at in Granada. It took an old fellah just a day to do this one, with the help of his young apprentice. He doesn't work from any design sheet or use any kind of measuring instruments but carries all the designs in his head. A true artist if ever I knew one! Th e blog gets more difficult to write the more I have to sort out what subjectively interests me and what is appropriate or expected for a cyclists travel blog. I've had some challenging personal experiences to do with loss and self esteem during the last few days and I'm not sure how much soul baring is healthy. I've had a brief chat with Scott from the CW Farm, who is becoming something like a mentor for me on this trip, about some of my experiences, and I don't think he'll mind me sharing here that one of the comments he made was that I'm not doing the Tour de France ! So with that in mind I'll attempt to convey some of t...